Rocky Access Windows

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Windows Software

Rocky access is provided through [SSH] to provide a command-line shell or [SCP] to upload/download files. There are multiple windows programs that will provide SSH and SCP connections. This document describes the use of two of the most popular ones: PuTTY for SSH and WinSCP for SCP.


PuTTY is a program commonly used to connect to servers via SSH from a Windows computer. The Windows Installer will install PuTTY SSH Client, the PuTTYgen key generation utility, the Pageant SSH authentication agent, and the PuTTY SCP/SFTP utilities.

The latest version can be downloaded from:

Generate Key Pair

Using the newly installed Puttygen program:

  • Generate a new key pair with the generate button
  • Enter a key passphrase (will be needed to access your private key)
  • Save your private key somewhere safe
  • Copy your public key

Rocky keygen windows.gif