Rocky Support

From NIMBioS

Supporting Rocky

Rocky grows through your financial support (e.g., direct costs built into grants or start up funds). By contributing to building and maintaining Rocky, you can assure priority access to the resources you contribute.

Compute Resources

If you need exclusive access to compute resources for yourself, your lab, or any group of people you designate, we offer the ability to purchase those compute resources on Rocky. We will work with you to determine your needs and provide a quote to provide it. We'll purchase new hardware to meet those needs and install them on Rocky. You will have exclusive access to the new hardware for the duration of the agreement. Agreements are typically three years.

At the end of the agreed term you will have the option of extending the agreement or allowing the hardware to enter the shared pool. As long as the shared pool has compute resources you have helped provide, you will have priority access to all resources in the shared pool.


We offer the ability to purchase storage on our Ceph storage cluster. Your storage will be fully redundant across many drives and at least three storage nodes. Your data will be backed up offsite at regular intervals.

You will be able to access your storage through project directories on the Rocky compute nodes. We can offer alternative interfaces to the data if necessary. If you are interested in other interfaces, please bring those up in discussions prior to an agreement.

Initial agreements on storage are typically three years. At the end of the three years, the agreement may be extended.