Rocky Support

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Revision as of 18:27, 11 April 2023 by Jstratt7 (talk | contribs)

Supporting Rocky

Rocky grows through your financial support (e.g., direct costs built into grants or start up funds). By contributing to building and maintaining Rocky, you can assure priority access to the resources you contribute.

Node Costs

Below are examples of node costs. While we update the below list routinely, hardware prices change daily. The below table is meant to give a sense of scale and not a guaranteed cost.

Storage Node

Storage Nodes are added to our Ceph storage subsystem to provide highly redundant and fault tolerant storage accessible to the Rocky Cluster.

Quote Date January 25, 2023
Quoted Cost $12,155.32
Capacity 40TB
Configuration Dell R740xd
16 x 8TB 3.5" drives
4 x M.2 SSD
Additional drives to extend backup system.

Compute Node

New quotes for compute nodes are currently being obtained and will be updated shortly.