Rocky Kivlin

From NIMBioS
Revision as of 21:52, 12 February 2024 by Jondale (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= About = Kivlin Lab has purchased compute resources on the Rocky cluster. These resources are only available to accounts associated with the Kivlin Lab. Please specify you are associated with the Kivlin Lab when requesting an account. = Exclusive Nodes = {| class="wikitable" |- ! Node !! Type !! Architecture !! vCPU !! Memory !! Exclusivity |- | bull1 || compute || Xeon Gold 6430 (Sapphire Rapids) || 128 || 512G || 2/12/202...")
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Kivlin Lab has purchased compute resources on the Rocky cluster. These resources are only available to accounts associated with the Kivlin Lab. Please specify you are associated with the Kivlin Lab when requesting an account.

Exclusive Nodes

Node Type Architecture vCPU Memory Exclusivity
bull1 compute Xeon Gold 6430 (Sapphire Rapids) 128 512G 2/12/2024 - 2/12/2027


By default, accounts will use the compute_all partition which includes all shared pool resources. When submitting a job to Rocky, you will need to specify the kivlin partition.

Example batch file:

#SBATCH --partition=kivlin,compute_all

#SBATCH --output=python_prime_%j.out
#SBATCH --mail-type=END

module load Python


In the above batch file, you can see that we specify the kivlin partition followed by the compute_all partition. With these parameters, the job schedule will look for available resources on the kivlin partition first. If all those are in use it will then use resources from the shared pool.